I promise to sup­port you in shar­ing your gifts with oth­ers, to en­cour­age your gen­eros­i­ty and your cho­sen re­spons­es to your many callings.

I promise to lis­ten to you, re­spect and con­sid­er your thoughts and be­liefs, and to heed your chal­lenges to my own.

I promise to rest with you, and to seek bal­ance be­tween work and play.

I promise to be open to growth and change and the un­ex­pect­ed as we, as in­di­vid­u­als, grow and change.

And, fi­nal­ly, I promise to be open to laugh­ter and won­der and mys­tery and, most im­por­tant­ly, to God’s will in our life together.