(Name), I have en­joyed the time we’ve spent talk­ing about what our dif­fer­ent faiths mean to us. We have dis­cov­ered much that we share in com­mon. It is my prayer that the can­dles we have lit to­geth­er to­day in uni­ty will en­light­en our path to the fu­ture. I promise to hon­or your tra­di­tions as I hon­or you.

I, (Name), take you, (Name), to be my wed­ded (husband/wife); and I promise and covenant, be­fore God and these wit­ness­es, to be your lov­ing and faith­ful (husband/wife), in plen­ty and in want, in joy and in sor­row, in sick­ness and in health, as long as we both shall live.