(Name), Our love has opened win­dows to the worlds we lived in as chil­dren. I have found pro­found re­spect for your her­itage; but I am not part of it. We have vowed to live our adult lives to­geth­er. Our mar­riage will be a new cre­ation. Now I promise to build bridges of un­der­stand­ing, and share the best of my­self with your fam­i­ly, your friends, and you.

(Name), with these rings we unite our hearts in ten­der­ness and de­vo­tion. We will hon­or each oth­er’s cul­tures as we join cus­toms to form a trust­ing re­la­tion­ship. We will pro­tect, sup­port, and en­cour­age each oth­er through life’s joys and sor­rows as we cre­ate a lov­ing fu­ture. We promise to es­tab­lish a home for our­selves and our chil­dren shaped by our re­spec­tive her­itages; a lov­ing en­vi­ron­ment ded­i­cat­ed to peace, hope, and re­spect for all peo­ple. From this day for­ward our lives will be in­ter­twined for­ev­er, blessed in faith, filled with com­pas­sion, un­der­stand­ing and love.