I be­lieve in you, the per­son you will grow to be and the cou­ple we will be to­geth­er. With my whole heart, I take you as my wife/husband, ac­knowl­edg­ing and ac­cept­ing your faults and strengths, as you do mine.
I promise to be faith­ful and sup­port­ive and to al­ways make our family’s love and hap­pi­ness my priority.
I will be yours in plen­ty and in want, in sick­ness and in health, in fail­ure and in triumph.
I will dream with you, cel­e­brate with you and walk be­side you through what­ev­er our lives may bring.
You are my per­son — my love and my life, to­day and always.

Vows Used By: Kristin & Josh