We are gath­ered here in the sight of God to join to­geth­er this man and this woman in holy mat­ri­mo­ny. The love of God is an ex­am­ple for your de­vo­tion, and you are not left with­out guid­ance con­cern­ing the mean­ing of that love be­cause God is love and love is all. A wed­ding cer­e­mo­ny is the per­fect place to read from Corinthi­ans. This is what God said love is: Love is pa­tient and kind, knows no jeal­ousy, gives it­self no false airs or false pride. Nev­er ir­ri­tat­ed, nev­er re­sent­ful, love is nei­ther glad when oth­ers go wrong or be­come hurt. Love is guid­ed by good­ness, al­ways ea­ger to be­lieve the best, al­ways hopeful.

Re­mem­ber, any­thing beau­ti­ful that you have, came from God. In the be­gin­ning, God gave us our free will and our iden­ti­ty to walk this earth. Don’t ever try to change each oth­er, be­cause if you do, you will lose ex­act­ly what you fell in love with. So, each day try to find one more thing that is beau­ti­ful in your mate, and each day know that the next day will be more beau­ti­ful than the one be­fore. As long as you are do­ing this, you are seek­ing beau­ty, joy, and love in each other.

Richard, do you take Cindy to be your wed­ded wife? To have and to hold, to love and to cher­ish, in sick­ness and in health, in times of good and bad?

Cindy, do you take Richard to be your wed­ded hus­band? To have and to hold, to love and to cher­ish, in sick­ness and in health, in times of good and bad?

I, Richard, pledge to you, Cindy, as my friend, my love, and my com­pan­ion to love, hon­or, and cher­ish as long as we both shall live.

I, Cindy, pledge to you, Richard, as my friend, my love, and my com­pan­ion to love, hon­or, and cher­ish as long as we both shall live.

I give this ring in to­ken and in pledge of my con­stant faith and abid­ing love with all that I am, and all that I will become.