On our wed­ding day, I pledged many things to you, in­clud­ing my faith­ful­ness. With great sor­row and re­gret, I ac­knowl­edge that I broke that vow but I re­al­ize now the enor­mi­ty of my mis­take. Oth­ers come and go, but you are the con­stant in my life whom I will al­ways love. I be­lieve in this mar­riage more than ever, and I reaf­firm my love and com­mit­ment to you.

On our wed­ding day, I pledged to love you in sick­ness and in health, and for bet­ter or worse. The past year has test­ed those vows, but our en­dur­ing love for one an­oth­er has pre­vailed. I come here to­day to make a fresh start, to re­new our vows of love, hon­or, and fi­deli­ty, and to reaf­firm my love for you.

6 years ago, I promised to love you for as long as we both should live. I nev­er imag­ined that I would face los­ing you so soon, or the depths of de­spair I would feel at that prospect. To­day, we are on the oth­er side of the moun­tain, and I am so ec­sta­t­ic that I get to con­tin­ue life’s jour­ney by your side. Once again, I promise to love you, hon­or you and keep you, for bet­ter or worse, in sick­ness and in health, for as long as we both shall live.