(Name), you are a [God’s] pre­cious gift to me; my spring­time, my hope and my joy. You are every­thing that’s good and pure and true, and I wor­ship you with my mind, body and soul. How blessed I am to be able to say that you are mine, to be able to love and cher­ish you, for the rest of my days. I vow to al­ways put you first in my life, al­ways be there to com­fort you in your sor­row, and re­joice with you in your vic­to­ries. May our hearts and very breath be­come one as we unite this day as hus­band and wife. I promise to be your true love, from this day for­ward, and forevermore.

(Name), I bring my­self to you this day to share my life with you. You can trust my love, for it’s re­al. I promise to be a faith­ful mate, and to un­fail­ing­ly share and sup­port your hopes, dreams, and goals. I vow to be there for you al­ways. When you fall, I will catch you; when you cry, I will com­fort you; when you laugh, I will share your joy. Every­thing I am, and every­thing I have is yours, from this mo­ment forth, and for eternity.