To­day is most­ly an or­di­nary day….the sun rose, ba­bies were born, peo­ple slept in and we just so hap­pened to be get­ting married.
But the not-so or­di­nary part is how we are mak­ing promis­es to each oth­er for the rest of our days, no mat­ter how or­di­nary or un­usal they may be.
So I promise to you:
to al­ways laugh with you and to nev­er go to bed angry.
to com­fort you in times of sor­row, in­clud­ing rough Buck­eye, Blue­Jack­et and Ben­gals seasons.
to al­ways lis­ten to what you have to say, even when we don’t see eye to eye, and to re­mem­ber love is say­ing ‘I feel dif­fer­ent­ly’ in­stead of ‘you’re wrong’.
to con­tin­ue to love your chil­dren, as if they were my own, as I of­fi­cial­ly be­come your part­ner in their lives.
But most of all, I promise to love you, un­der any cir­cum­stances; hap­py or sad, easy or dif­fi­cult, through the sun­shine and through the rain for the rest of my days.
I am the luck­i­est and I could­n’t imag­ine grow­ing old with any­one else.


Vow Used By: Sara