I ____ in faith, hon­esty and love take you ___ as my wed­ded hus­band. To share with you in God’s plan for our lives to­geth­er unit­ed in Christ. To be a lov­ing help­mate to you with God’s help and strength seek­ing Him al­ways no mat­ter the tri­al; whether sick­ness, health; joys or sor­rows, till death do us part. I com­mit to you this day all that I am and all my love; I pledge to you, in the name of our Lord and Sav­ior Je­sus Christ. Be­fore Him I of­fer this ring as a sym­bol and seal of my love for you and a sym­bol of uni­ty. I pray to faith­ful­ly ful­fill my place as your help­mate; to be obe­di­ent to God’s pur­pose for me in your life and our lives to­geth­er. To up­hold you in prayer and sub­mit my heart to you; to al­ways be by and on your side, that the pres­ence of the Lord re­side in our home, In Je­sus Name.