I promise to be there when you need me,
to fill your days with sun­shine, to com­fort you and en­cour­age you,
to help you reach your goals, to be your best friend
ever and to love you all my life with all my heart.

I promise to love you above all oth­ers and to value
your friend­ship as a pre­cious gift.
I look for­ward to rais­ing our fam­i­ly and building
our re­la­tion­ship un­der the care and guid­ance of God.
I promise to stand be­side you in sick­ness or health, in times of
pros­per and de­cline, in peace and in tur­moil, as long as we both
shall live.

I ac­knowl­edge my love for you and in­vite you to share my life as I hope
to share yours. I promise to walk by your side, to love, help and
en­cour­age you. I vow to take time to share with you, to lis­ten and to
care. I will share your laugh­ter and your tears as your part­ner, lover and
friend. I promise al­ways to re­spect you and hon­or you as an individual
and to be con­scious of your needs. I shall seek through kind­ness and
com­pas­sion to achieve with you the life we have planned together.