For the Glo­ry of God the Fa­ther, through Je­sus Christ, I make this covenant of mar­riage with you ______, beloved and most pre­cious trea­sure. The Lord has made it clear that I am made for you and you for me, to ful­fill the pur­pose that God has cre­at­ed us both to ac­com­plish. In so do­ing I covenant with you, as Je­sus does with the Church, to be your ser­vant all of my life, to wash your feet and to sac­ri­fice all of my self-cen­tered thoughts and de­sires in or­der to serve you, our fam­i­ly and the Lord Je­sus. I covenant with you to lead and to guide our fam­i­ly as Christ does the Church, build­ing you up in love, cleans­ing you with the wash­ing with wa­ter through the Word, to present you ra­di­ant, with­out spot or blem­ish, be­fore Je­sus. In so do­ing I will pro­tect and fight for you against all at­tacks of the en­e­my, teach­ing and be­ing guid­ed by the Truth as the on­ly way to keep our path free from snares. I will make in­ter­ces­sion for you and our fam­i­ly all of the days of my life, as Christ, the Most High Priest of God, does for the Church. In im­i­tat­ing Christ as your hus­band, I will al­so give my­self to pro­vid­ing for you and our fam­i­ly, phys­i­cal­ly and spir­i­tu­al­ly, trust­ing God and work­ing hard so that our fam­i­ly will have life that is tru­ly life. Above all things, I choose to love you with joy, peace, pa­tience, kind­ness, good­ness, faith­ful­ness, gen­tle­ness and self-con­trol, es­pe­cial­ly when we reach our dark­est mo­ments, just as Christ showed His ul­ti­mate love on the cross when He looked down in love and asked that we would be for­giv­en, be­cause we knew not what we did. I sur­ren­der my very life to you, hold­ing noth­ing back, so that you and I may be one in thought, word and deed. Now to Him who is able to keep you from stum­bling, And to present you fault­less be­fore the pres­ence of His glo­ry with ex­ceed­ing joy, to God our Sav­ior, who alone is wise, be glo­ry and majesty, do­min­ion and pow­er, both now and for­ev­er. Amen.
[Note: a fe­male part was not pro­vid­ed in the sub­mis­sion of