(spouse’s name), 25 years ago, I pledged my love and com­mit­ment to you, but it seems like on­ly yes­ter­day. I promised to love you, hon­or you, com­fort and keep you. I pledged to be by your side in sick­ness and in health, in times of want, and times of plen­ty, for bet­ter or worse, for the rest of our lives. We have had all of those things, and you have been by my side as we cre­at­ed a fam­i­ly, a home, and a life to­geth­er. To­day, at the be­gin­ning of our 26th year as hus­band and wife, in the pres­ence of God, and our fam­i­ly and friends, I re­new my vows to you, pledg­ing my eter­nal love for you, and ea­ger­ly await­ing what life may bring us.