I (Name). take you (Name), to be my beloved (husband/wife). To live with you and laugh with you. To serve you with my wit my strength my heart. To stand by you al­ways. I promise al­ways to love you, to cher­ish you, to hold you al­ways in the high­est re­gard, and to die with this love that I have for you un­tar­nished in my heart.

(Name), I com­mit my life to our part­ner­ship in mar­riage. I promise to com­fort you, to en­cour­age you in our jour­ney through life. I promise to ex­press my thoughts and emo­tions to you and to lis­ten to you in times of joy and in times of sor­row. (Name), I love you, and you are my clos­est friend. Will you let me share my life and all that I am with you? (Re­sponse: “I will.”)

I (Name), take you (Name), to be my (husband/wife). To laugh with you in joy, to grieve with you in sor­row, to grow with you in love, and to be faith­ful to you alone, as long as we both shall live.