You are my best friend, my hero, and my love.
My hopes and dreams are for­ev­er in­ter­min­gled with yours.
I draw from our com­bined ex­pe­ri­ence and feel­ings in our jour­ney to our dreams.
Our com­pro­mise and un­der­stand­ing pow­ers the har­mo­ny in our marriage.
To­day and in all days, I take shared re­spon­si­bil­i­ty for our mar­riage, fam­i­ly, com­mu­ni­ty and my­self, re­gard­less of our suc­cess­es or failures.
I promise to be for­giv­ing, but not complacent.
I promise to be faith­ful and true to you in mind, body, and spirit;
to cher­ish you and re­spect you;
and to be a source of com­fort and support,
free and bound by our love, as long as we shall live.