I, (Name), in­tend to be faith­ful, loy­al, and trust­wor­thy both as a husband/wife to you and as a par­ent to our children.
I in­tend that our mar­riage be guid­ed gen­tly and steadi­ly by the hand of God.
I in­tend that we will ex­plore and dis­cov­er life to­geth­er with cu­rios­i­ty, won­der, and openness.
I in­tend to hon­or your needs and to clear­ly com­mu­ni­cate my needs to the best of my ability.
I in­tend to al­ways seek the good­ness and grace with­in you even when you dri­ve me crazy!
I in­tend to cel­e­brate you when you’re strong and cra­dle you when you’re weak.
I in­tend to cel­e­brate the unique­ness of you and the union of us.
I in­tend to nur­ture the bal­ance of mas­cu­line and fem­i­nine that makes you whole and complete.
I in­tend that we will seek the sup­port, guid­ance, and wis­dom of our fam­i­lies and friends through good and chal­leng­ing times.
May love be the way we live in grat­i­tude as we con­tin­ue to thank God for all of our blessings.
I will hon­or these sa­cred vows as we walk side by side and hand in hand, giv­ing all that we have and be­ing all that we are.
I, (Name), will open my heart to you, (Name), and love you with all of my being.