(Name), I promise to love you with all my heart and mind and strength. I vow to be your best friend and do every­thing in my pow­er to make you as hap­py as I am to­day. I will trust you with my dreams and sup­port you in ful­fill­ing yours. In sick­ness and in health, in fail­ure and in tri­umph, I will cher­ish and re­spect you, com­fort and en­cour­age you, as long as we shall live. Be­fore us lies an open road, filled with ad­ven­ture and love and I choose to spend to­day, and all of my to­mor­row’s, with you as my friend, my love (and the [mother/father] of our children).

I, (Name), take you (Name), to be my (husband/wife), and com­pan­ion of my days. We shall bear to­geth­er what­ev­er of sor­row and ad­ver­si­ty life may place up­on us, and share to­geth­er what­ev­er of joy and ful­fill­ment life may hold in store. I com­mit my life to you; a com­mit­ment made in love, kept in faith, lived in hope and eter­nal­ly made anew. I pledge to you a life of giv­ing and of hop­ing, of grow­ing and of lov­ing. I shall be with you in your tears and in your laugh­ter, just as I shall bring to you my own joys and my own sor­rows. You will be my (husband/wife), as long as love re­mains. My com­mit­ment is made in love, kept in faith, lived in hope and eter­nal­ly made anew.