I will join you in full part­ner­ship to co-cre­ate the life we both envision.

I will join you in liv­ing con­scious­ly, pur­pose­ful­ly, pas­sion­ate­ly, congruently.

I will join you in cre­at­ing true com­mu­ni­ty and a more com­pas­sion­ate world in which to live.

I will laugh and dance and sing and have fun with you.

I will tell you the truth even when I think you might not want to hear it, and I will hear you when you tell me your truth.

I will af­ford you your hu­man­i­ty and not ex­pect you to al­ways be at your best.

When you for­get who you re­al­ly are, I’ll re­mind you of your pow­er, spir­it, in­tegri­ty, in­tel­li­gence, cre­ativ­i­ty, ath­leti­cism and beauty.

I will re­mem­ber that any anger, re­sent­ment, frus­tra­tion I show to­ward you is more about me than about you and will refuse to hold ill will to­ward you.

I will be true to you and hon­or the com­mit­ments that we make to one an­oth­er for all our days.

I will open my heart to you and love you with all my being.

I will be au­then­ti­cal­ly me. Bring­ing all my gifts and chal­lenges and will­ing­ly us­ing all the tools I have to ful­ly live out my life’s purpose.

I will be your mir­ror. Re­flect­ing the truth and re­mind­ing you of who you are, lis­ten­ing at­ten­tive­ly, with an open heart and mind as I seek to bet­ter un­der­stand and sup­port you in ful­ly liv­ing your life’s purpose.

I will be your help­mate. Will­ing­ly shar­ing our re­spon­si­bil­i­ties and hon­ors, own­ing my part in cre­at­ing our life, read­i­ly and ful­ly for­giv­ing, and work­ing to­geth­er to put us back on course when we stray from our path.

I will be your part­ner. Treat­ing you with re­spect and equal­i­ty, be­ing cre­ative and flex­i­ble in liv­ing in­ter­de­pen­dent­ly in a way that re­flects who we are in­di­vid­u­al­ly and as a couple.

I will be your lover. Pas­sion­ate and play­ful, ten­der and loy­al, shar­ing my­self ful­ly and nur­tur­ing our love so that we grow ever more intimate.

I will be your friend. Hon­est and trust­wor­thy, com­pas­sion­ate and com­mit­ted, shar­ing all that life brings us.

I will be your com­pan­ion. Hon­or­ing these sa­cred vows as we walk to­geth­er, hand in hand, heart to heart, soul to soul, for all our days, giv­ing all that we have and be­ing all that we are, to cre­ate a world full of peace, love, and understanding.