Low and be­hold, the day of our union has arrived.
It is one thing to talk, and one thing to promise;
It is one thing to imag­ine, and one thing to feel.
It is one thing to ex­pe­ri­ence, and one thing to savor.
This day is one thing, the rest of our lives is another.

Words can be beau­ti­ful, but it is ac­tions that are meaningful.
Mem­o­ries can be rel­ished, but new ones have to be made.
The past is im­por­tant, but it is to the fu­ture our lives lay.
We speak vol­umes in all days but this beloved wed­ding day.

Be­fore us are those who know us well be­yond our name.
So it is with all mean­ing and sincerity;
Be­fore them, all I want and have to say,
Is I will love you.