X years ago, I pledged my loy­al­ty to you, (name), as your wed­ded husband/wife, to live to­geth­er af­ter God’s or­di­nance, in the holy es­tate of mat­ri­mo­ny. I promised to love you, com­fort you, hon­or and keep you, in sick­ness and in health. I fur­ther promised that, for­sak­ing all oth­ers, I would keep my­self on­ly un­to you, so long as we both shall live. Dur­ing these X years, I have been faith­ful to that pledge. Now, again, at the be­gin­ning of the X year of our life to­geth­er, in the pres­ence of God, in the pres­ence of our fam­i­ly, and in the pres­ence of friends who have gath­ered for this hap­py oc­ca­sion, I re­new these vows, pledg­ing my­self to con­tin­ue my de­vo­tion to you as long as we both shall live.