(Name), I have fi­nal­ly dis­cov­ered the mean­ing of re­al love. For as long as I live I will love, re­spect, and hon­or you. I will be com­mit­ted to self-growth, and to the growth of our re­la­tion­ship. I promise to be hon­est and to com­mu­ni­cate my needs and feel­ings, just as I promise to lis­ten to yours. I will be faith­ful to you in mind, body, and spir­it. I will be your fiend and life part­ner, no mat­ter what life brings to us. To­day I pledge my com­mit­ment to you.

I stand be­fore you, (Name), be­cause you have won my heart through your gra­cious­ness. You are my life part­ner, the one I pledge my life and love to. From this day for­ward, I promise to love, re­spect, and hon­or you. I will lis­ten to you, and be open and hon­est with you. I will be your trust­ed part­ner, and stand by you through good times and bad. I promise this now, and for all the days of my life.