You have changed since then. I have changed, and the world around us has changed most of all. But one thing has not changed. X years ago, I promised to love you, to give of my best to you, to cher­ish and keep you no mat­ter what else hap­pened. I have not al­ways lived up to my best in­ten­tions but I have al­ways loved you. I still love you. I love you more now than I did then be­cause I know you bet­ter now. And I’ve ma­tured: the sharp edges of youth have mel­lowed, in­creas­ing my ca­pac­i­ty for, and my plea­sure in love. We’ve watched our ba­bies grow up and be­come in­de­pen­dent. We’ve moved, we’ve had suc­cess­es and set­backs we’ve weath­ered a good many storms. Some of the things we wor­ried about turned out not to mat­ter at all. What re­al­ly mat­tered was our love. The one con­stant in our lives has grown stronger and I thank you now for the joy you’ve giv­en me dur­ing these 25 years to­geth­er. It is with a glad heart that I re­new my orig­i­nal wed­ding vows. I still promise to love you, hon­or you, cher­ish and keep you. I con­tin­ue to want you, for bet­ter or worse, for rich­er or poor­er. What­ev­er the fu­ture may hold for us, we will al­ways have our love. It is enough.