With great joy I pledged my love and com­mit­ment to you on our wed­ding day. But a lov­ing re­la­tion­ship does not ex­ist in a vac­u­um. Our fam­i­ly and friends first showed us how to love, helped us grow, and sup­port­ed us when we found each oth­er. I hope they will con­tin­ue to love and sup­port us as we love and sup­port them. There­fore, I am de­light­ed to­day, in the pres­ence of these wit­ness­es, to reaf­firm my com­mit­ment to you, and once again, to promise to love you, ho­n­our you, and com­fort you, in sick­ness and in health, for rich­er, for poor­er, for bet­ter and for worse, as long as we both shall live.