Since I have found you, I have found a new life.
The de­ci­sion to com­mit to share that life with you
is one I make hap­pi­ly and with full con­fi­dence in our love.

Se­cure in the knowl­edge that
you will be my con­stant friend,
my faith­ful part­ner in life,
and my one true love.
On this spe­cial day,
I give to you in the pres­ence of God and all
these wit­ness­es my pledge to stay by your side,
in sick­ness and in health,
in joy and in sor­row, as well as
through the good times and the bad.

I promise to love you with­out reservation,
com­fort you in times of distress,
en­cour­age you to achieve all of your goals,
laugh with you and cry with you,
grow with you in mind and spirit,
al­ways be open and hon­est with you,
and cher­ish you for as long as we both shall live.