My dear ___, it was xx years ago that we first pledged our com­mit­ment to one an­oth­er, but it seems like just yes­ter­day that I was stand­ing across from my beau­ti­ful bride/handsome groom. We have been through a lot to­geth­er — laugh­ter and tears, joy and sor­row — and through all those times, I can hon­est­ly say, I loved you every step of the way. To­day, I want to re­new those vows and again pledge my love and life to you. I promise to be there for you in sick­ness and health. I am here to be your sup­port­er, your con­fi­dant, and your best friend. You are my (nick­name or oth­er). I have been blessed for the last 25 years and am thrilled that I get to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you.