On this spe­cial day, _____, I am re­mind­ed of the verse James 1:17 which says, “Every good thing be­stowed and every per­fect gift is from above, com­ing down from the Fa­ther of Lights with whom there is no vari­a­tion or shift­ing shad­ow.” With a gift such as you, I know that many new re­spon­si­bil­i­ties face me. In I Corinthi­ans, it ex­plains “It is re­quired of a stew­ard to be found trust­wor­thy.” I can­not do this on my own strength, _______, but by God’s grace and pow­er work­ing with­in me I de­sire to be trust­wor­thy as your wife by fol­low­ing your lead­ing sub­mis­sive­ly, even as un­to Christ, lov­ing and serv­ing you in all cir­cum­stances as long as He give me life on this earth.