“Now you will feel no rain, for each of you will be shel­ter for the other.
Now you will feel no cold, for each of you will be warmth to the other.
Now there will be no lone­li­ness, for each of you will be com­pan­ion to the other.
Now you are two per­sons, but there is on­ly one life be­fore you.
May beau­ty sur­round you both in the jour­ney ahead and through all the years.
May hap­pi­ness be your com­pan­ion and your days to­geth­er be good and long
up­on the earth.”

“Treat your­selves and each oth­er with re­spect, and re­mind yourselves
of­ten of what brought you to­geth­er. Give the high­est pri­or­i­ty to the tenderness,
gen­tle­ness and kind­ness that your con­nec­tion deserves.
When frus­tra­tion, dif­fi­cul­ties and fear as­sail your relationship,
as they threat­en all re­la­tion­ships at one time or another,
re­mem­ber to fo­cus on what is right
be­tween you, not on­ly the part which seems wrong.
In this way, you can ride out the storms
when clouds hide the face of the sun in your lives –
re­mem­ber­ing that even if you lose sight
of it for a mo­ment, the sun is still there.
And if each of you takes re­spon­si­bil­i­ty for the quality
of your life to­geth­er, it will be marked by abun­dance and delight.”