On this spe­cial day, I give to you in the pres­ence of God,
my promise to stand by your side, in sick­ness and health,
in joy and in sor­row, as well as through the good times and the bad.
I promise to love you with­out reser­va­tion, to hon­or and re­spect you,
to com­fort and sup­port you each and every day, to laugh with you and cry with you,
to grow with you in mind and spir­it, to al­ways be open and hon­est with you,
and to cher­ish you for as long as we both shall live.

You are my best friend for life.
I pledge to hon­or, en­cour­age, and sup­port you through our walk together.
When our way be­comes dif­fi­cult, I promise to stand by you and up­lift you,
so that through our union we can ac­com­plish more than we could alone.
I promise to work at our love and al­ways make you a pri­or­i­ty in my life.
With every beat of my heart, I will love you. This is my solemn vow.