We meet to­day by the sea to have (Name) and (Name) be­come one by the bor­der of this con­stant and un­lim­it­ed force.

And as these wa­ters, (Name) and (Name) may your love be lim­it­less, flow­ing and ever chang­ing . May your love for­ev­er re­de­fine it­self. May your love hold with­in it the essence of life.

In pledg­ing your lives and love to one an­oth­er for all the days that re­main to you (Name) and (Name), we ac­knowl­edge the changes in your ex­is­tence and cel­e­brate your com­mit­ment to a strong, lov­ing re­la­tion­ship. May your love touch and en­rich all those with whom you come in con­tact, as these wa­ters touch and nour­ish the many shores of the earth.

Love came soft­ly up­on your hearts, just as the foam comes soft­ly up­on the sand, and just as there will nev­er be a morn­ing with­out the ocean’s flow, so there will nev­er be a day with­out your love for each other.

(Name), in plac­ing this ring on (Name)’s fin­ger, re­peat af­ter me:
(Name), this ring I give you, my per­son­al gift and my per­son­al promise, of love and trust for all the days of our lives.
(Name), in plac­ing this ring on (Name)’s fin­ger, re­peat af­ter me:
(Name), this ring I give you, my per­son­al gift and my per­son­al promise of love and trust for all the days of our lives.

As we stand be­side the ocean tide, may your love al­ways be as con­stant and un­chang­ing as these nev­er end­ing waves that pour be­neath our feet, flow­ing end­less­ly from the depths of the sea

Since (Name) and (Name) have pledged their love and com­mit­ment to each oth­er be­fore these wit­ness­es, I de­clare that they are hus­band and wife.

As these wa­ters nour­ish the earth and sus­tain life, may your con­stant love nour­ish and sus­tain you both un­til the end of time.

Con­grat­u­la­tions! You may kiss.