I am proud to take you as my husband/wife.
For all the time we have been to­geth­er, there has al­ways been the kind of mu­tu­al un­der­stand­ing which is on­ly shared when there is true love.
You have helped me tri­umph over chal­lenges presented,
En­cour­aged my per­son­al growth and boost­ed my self-esteem.
You have helped me be­come the per­son I am today,
And with your help, I will be a bet­ter per­son to­mor­row than I was yesterday.

I vow to trust and val­ue your opin­ions, and stand by your actions.
I pledge to al­ways treat you as my best friend and equal.
I will ask for help when I need it, and of­fer help to you always.
Let us be friends and lovers, and grow old dis­grace­ful­ly together.


Vow Used By: Sarah