I take you_______, again, our love will be stronger and bet­ter than be­fore and I vow to hold you in my arms each op­por­tu­ni­ty I get be­cause there is no one or no where I would rather be for the rest of my life than with you again. I know that we have made promis­es to one an­oth­er be­fore but this time I will make all of the promis­es be­fore seem more won­der­ful and again I will love you now and as you grow in­to what God in­tends. I will do all I can to main­tain an open line of com­mu­ni­ca­tion with you and even when it seems or feels that things are not get­ting bet­ter I will con­tin­ue to trust GOD and be­lieve that all things work to­geth­er for the good of those who are called ac­cord­ing to His pur­pose know­ing this one thing that He who has be­gun a good work in both of us will com­plete it un­til the day of Je­sus Christ’s re­turn. I will not for­sake you or these vows that we have made,again but rather strive to show you my love for the rest of our lives. This is my promise to you.