Do you, _______ promise to be a lov­ing friend and part­ner in mar­riage, to talk and to lis­ten, to trust and ap­pre­ci­ate, to re­spect and cher­ish ________’s unique­ness? Do you promise to sup­port, com­fort, and strength­en him/her through life’s joys and sor­rows? Do you promise to share hopes and dreams as you build your lives to­geth­er, and to grow with ________ in mind? Will you strive to build a home that is com­pas­sion­ate to all, full of re­spect and hon­or, filled with peace, hap­pi­ness, and love? Do you promise to al­ways be open and hon­est with ________, and cher­ish him/her for as long as you both shall live?

I, ________ take you, ________to be my husband/wife. I promise to al­ways be your biggest fan and your part­ner in crime. I promise to cre­ate and sup­port a fam­i­ly with you, in a house­hold filled with laugh­ter, pa­tience, un­der­stand­ing, and love. I vow not just to grow old to­geth­er, but to grow to­geth­er. I will love you faith­ful­ly through the dif­fi­cult and the easy. What may come, I will al­ways be there, each one be­liev­ing that love nev­er dies. As I have giv­en you my hand to hold, so I give you my life to keep.